Warranty Conditions (Stiba)

  1. Except for electronic components, used vehicle parts sold and/or delivered are eligible for warranty.
  2. The buyer can only claim rights under a warranty if they prove they purchased the item from the STIBA member. This proof can be provided by submitting the relevant purchase agreement or invoice to the STIBA member, along with any applicable warranty card. In cases where the item bears a brand or license plate provided by the STIBA member, the buyer can only claim rights under warranty if the said brand or license plate is intact when invoking the warranty.
  3. Claims under warranty by the buyer are not transferable to third parties.
  4. The STIBA member guarantees the soundness and usability of the delivered goods for one month from the date of purchase. Therefore, if defects are found within one month, the buyer has the right to return the item to the STIBA member for replacement or repair, at the STIBA member's discretion, in accordance with Article 7 of the applicable General Terms and Conditions.
  5. If conditions under Article 4 of these Warranty Conditions and Article 7 of the General Terms and Conditions are met, the STIBA member commits to repairing or replacing the item offered for replacement/repair within a reasonable period, unless unable to do so, in which case the STIBA member will provide a cash refund of the corresponding invoice amount.
  6. The item received by the buyer after repair/replacement is eligible for warranty again.
  7. The buyer cannot claim warranty:
    1. If the buyer provided incorrect or insufficient information regarding the brand and model designation of the purchased item and/or the vehicle for which the part is intended;
    2. If the installation of the purchased item was faulty;
    3. If the buyer or someone else performed activities such as repairs, modifications, or disassembly of the purchased item;
    4. If the item was installed or used for a purpose other than intended;
    5. If the item was installed in vehicles that deviate from the manufacturer's standard specifications;
    6. If there was improper and/or unskilled use of the purchased item, or if the vehicle in which the item was installed was used for purposes other than normal traffic (speed tests, reliability tests, excessive load due to combination of passenger vehicle and trailer or caravan, etc.);
    7. If there was a violation of any other provision of the applicable General Terms and Conditions or Warranty Conditions, to the extent that rights are forfeited under penalty.
  8. The buyer cannot claim any compensation of any kind under a warranty, except to the extent that the STIBA member is obligated under the law or the applicable General Terms and Conditions.
  9. The STIBA member reserves the right to deviate from these Warranty Conditions if the buyer was expressly informed thereof before concluding the purchase agreement and the divergent provisions were documented in writing between the STIBA member and the buyer.

's-Hertogenbosch, May 2002